Saturday, October 08, 2005

Welcome to The First one.

I must admit that I have selfishly created this blog for myself as much as for anyone else. Who am I? I am a 42 year old Australian man, nomad and virtual yogi living and working in Japan, who has been on my own spiritual journey for the last 19 years, taking me to various continents and countries, instilling me with a belief that we are all here to help each other.

At the death of my eldest brother at the age of six, I found myself asking the eternal question- who/what am I? What does it all mean? I often felt that I was out of place, in the wrong time, constantly searching for- something. I didnt really know what I was looking for, but I searched nevertheless. That journey took me to America for 13 years, Canada for one, India for a total of two years, Bhutan, Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, and now finds me here in Japan, living and working and struggling just like most of you.

I have incredible luck, I can also say in the same breath that I am definitely my own worst enemy. I have an amazing teacher and guru- His Eminence Dzongsar Khyentse Rimpoche. Before him, I lived and studied with an amazing Hindu Yoga teacher, Arun. In my travels,I have had the honour and priveledge to be around some of the most amazing human beings on this planet, yogis in caves, yogis in business suits, monasteries far up in the Himalayas.
I have tasted the monastic life, and have lived alone as a yogi. My realization was twofold: Firstly, I love women, they are invaluable teachers in my life everyday, and see no need to cut myself off from them. Secondly, its one thing to sit high up in the Himalayas contemplating compassion , forgiveness and other highly esteemed virtues, but for a spiritually lazy person such as myself, I need to get off my fat backside, get out there in the world and actually do it!

Women and men, buddhist and hindu, moslem and christian, I can honestly say I have met wisdom in many many human forms. Yet, I still struggle as a human being and as a boddhisattva. Some days its all so easy, others I let myself get caught up in things that ultimately mean nothing in the big picture. I am still looking, still searching, but I have found my path. On a journey that has no end, utterly bound in this present glorious moment.

So, I decided to create this page, an open space for people who just want to communicate their spiritual journey. The rules are simple for all my guests- no judging: just listen, and if possible, give some sound advice, or just share your compassion with another human being who may be in need. Its all too easy to get upset and angry, and a constant challenge to learn how to really love.

So lets all try!

My disclaimers- I am not a guru! Please do not make that assumption. I am the most neurotic person I know! However, I do know some great people, and have read some great books, have had some great experiences and if necessary, I will attempt to put you in touch with some of the little wisdom I possess. I also do not have much background in this technology, but I am always up for a challenge! So be patient with me if I mess up obviously.

A great joy for me is that you will meet some of my friends that I have made on my journey- they are all special and unique in their own way. I am happy to create a space where they can share their wisdom with you. My aspiration is this: may all human beings find happiness and enlightenment through both shared and then self-experienced wisdom.

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HI from Marc

Hello to all,
I have decided to revive this blog and start compliling some of the stories into a book format. Any comments and suggestions are most welcome.



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Read post number one! You will learn more as the weeks progress